In 2001 the term Microbiome was coined by a researcher named Joshua Lederberg. The term applies to the 100 trillion microbial cells that each person carries on and in their body.
Whether you believe in evolution or Creation there is a symbiotic relationship between these microbial cells and human cells. A symbiotic relationship that either leads to good health or poor health.
In fact when you look in the mirror what you see is your human expression of your human cells. However, if you had the eyes of a powerful microscope you would see a world of microbial cells that outnumbered your human cells by a factor of 10.
Which has lead researchers in the area of the microbiome to use the phrase “We Are Only 10% Human!”
Why is this important?
Because the makeup of your micriobiome significantly, if not entirely, impacts your health and wellness. To the point where every major disease and illness today has a link back to your microbiome.