If you Google the term Immune System Power Foods you’ll find hundreds of articles and suggestions on which foods to eat to boost your immune system. As well as which foods compromise your immune system. As the picture to the right clearly show you have a daily choice, which affects your health and the health of your children.
And, as I write today’s blog post two items are in full play:
Children Have Returned To School
The Flu Season Is Almost On Us
My wife is a teacher and already students and teachers are sick. And it’s only going to get worse. Unless you take steps to incorporate immune system power foods into your daily diet.
Noticed I said “Daily Diet!”
If you want to boost your immune system, then you need to make a conscious effort to eat foods everyday that are going to optimize your immune system.
To help you in this process I’ve compiled the following table of immune system power foods recommended by 5 key authorities in this area. Once you’ve looked over this list, then I’ll give you my suggested 7 immune system power foods.