In this blog post I’m going to empower you with the Old Secret to Weight Loss! This secret is so obvious that for most people it remains hidden from view. However, once you learn how to apply this weight loss secret, you’ll be able to harness its power to reshape yourself and your life!
The old secret to weight loss is found in the following formula:
Calories In vs. Calories Out =
Weight Gain, Weight Loss or
Weight Stays the Same
The formula is that simple.
“Calories In” represents the calories you bring into your body through the foods you eat and the beverages you drink.
“Calories Out” represents the calories your body burns up based on your metabolism and the activities you participate in.
If the “Calories In” are greater than the “Calories Out” you will gain weight. If the “Calories In” are less than the “Calories Out” you will loss weight. And, if the “Calories In” are equal to the “Calories Out” your weight will stay the same. Read More →