In a recent survey over 60 percent of all Americans want to boost mental focus. It’s one of the reasons why the coffee and energy drink industry has experienced such a significant growth over the last 10 years.
Every day people turn to caffeine to boost mental focus. But there are side effects to the use of caffeine such as:
The “crash” when the caffeine effect wears off.
How caffeine can interfere with sleep.
How the acidity of coffee can cause stomach issues.
The concentrated amounts of sugar used in energy drinks.
What if there was a way to enjoy all the benefits of boosting your mental focus but without the side effects? Would you be interested?
If “Yes” then you need to understand how spearmint extract can boost mental focus.
Boost Mental Focus With Spearmint Extract
The use of spearmint extract to boost mental focus started with a very small study of 11 healthy adults that were experiencing age-related problems with their memory.
After establishing their baseline levels of cognitive function they were then given 900 mg of spearmint extract once a day with their breakfast meal. This continued for 30 days.
The results were almost immediate. Within two and half hours there were significant improvements in attention and concentration. By four hours after the initial dose, the average scores showed the following:
46% improvement on tasks requiring attention and concentration
121% improvement on a secondary task requiring attention and concentration
39% boost in planning ability
And after 30 days these participants demonstrated:
35% improvement on a test of reasoning
125% improvement on a test of attention and concentration
48% boost in planning ability
This small study lead to a larger clinical study of 90 participants. This study was a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study.
The average age of these participants were 59.4. All had some level of age-associated memory impairment.
(Note: age-associated memory impairment is a general, age-related decline in working memory. It is estimated that working memory decreases by roughly 10% per decade after the age of 40.)
After 90 days, the participants taking the spearmint extract showed a 15% improvement in their working memory and a 9% improvement in spatial working memory when compared to the placebo group.
According to the study author:
“These data suggests that this extract could improve working memory equivalent to that which may have diminished over a decade of life.”
There were two other benefits noted beyond helping to boost mental focus:
Improvement in the time it took to fall asleep.
On awaking, they were more alert.
This makes spearmint extract a pretty effective overall supplement to help boost mental focus and improve sleep patterns.
Now the key to harnessing these benefits of spearmint extract is to use a standardized supplement that contains 24% total phenolics and 14.5% rosmarinic acid.
This is what was used in the study and does not appear to have any adverse side effects.
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